Speak to market their business, be seen, heard, and known as an expert, attract more business, help more people and make more money!


Before I tell you all about this life changing program, let's talk about who this is really for…

Does this sound like you?

âž” A coach looking to speak and have a calendar full of calls afterward.

âž” A service-based entrepreneur who wants to get in front of audiences and hook them from the second they open their mouth.

âž” A product-based entrepreneur who wants to use speaking to attract the type of clients who can't wait to work with them.

There are many different coaches and entrepreneurs in this program, each with their own specific areas of expertise - entrepreneurs who are in business selling products and services, to sales and marketing, to life coaching and everything in between.

Before I tell you all about this life changing program, let's talk about who this is really for…

Does this sound like you?

âž” A coach looking to speak and have a calendar full of calls afterward.

âž” A service-based entrepreneur who wants to get in front of audiences and hook them from the second they open their mouth.

âž” A product-based entrepreneur who wants to use speaking to attract the type of clients who can't wait to work with them.

There are many different coaches and entrepreneurs in this program, each with their own specific areas of expertise - entrepreneurs who are in business selling products and services, to sales and marketing, to life coaching and everything in between.

All the Tools you Need to use Speaking to create a Reliable lead generation System in your business.

Did you know that only 33%

of millionaires in the U.S. are women?

As women we have so much power and yet we often play small.  It's time to Show Up, Speak Up and Get What You Want!

Women entrepreneurs learn what it takes to have connection, confidence and clarity in their speaking.

They experience how to be themselves when they are speaking, have a positive impact and how to make a powerful offer.

They are then able to influence their audience with their message and make the difference they are out to make.

Show Up, Speak Up and Get What You Want!

Regular price -  $1,997  

Limited time offer - $797


One payment of $797



Two payments of $478


By the end of this LIVE program

You will have...

âś“  Nailed down your ideal client - get super specific and crystal clear about about what makes up your ideal client and what kind of product or service they will pay for.

âś“  Become very clear about your offer - know exactly what your offer is and how to deliver it powerfully and effectively.

âś“  Identified actual speaking opportunities - have  complete peace of mind regarding where to find audiences of your ideal clients and how to get booked. 

âś“  Developed a high converting signature talk - know exactly what to say, what to share, what stories to tell and how often to be speaking.

âś“  Become an authentic speaker - have genuine communication with your ideal clients and connect with them on their emotional need to buy from you every time you speak!

âś“  Gained confidence about who you are and what you do so you can generate consistent leads month after month. 

âś“  Gained visibility and exposure to the people you want to do business with to get seen, heard and known as the expert in your field.

âś“  Managed your mind to help you be the best speaker you can be.

âś“  Seen how you can use your talk anywhere and everywhere - on a stage, Facebook live, podcast, 1:1, networking and more. "Stages" are everywhere!

Yes, I want in!
Christine Stanley

"Donna has empowered me to talk about my business in a clear and concise manner. I have now gone from talking about a future business to actually clearing out my road blocks and having my business a reality in less than a year! I now have confidence I needed in both my business and myself!"

Debbie Young

"Donna has coached me through several talks and with her help I have grown dramatically in my confidence with public speaking. Donna's input in my talk preparation has been invaluable. I trust her to provide specific feedback and a unique perspective. She has helped me become a better business owner."

Michelle Paul

"My time with Donna was worth every minute. I have gone through years of not having the right response of the audience from my presentations to having complete confidence in my  new presentation. I know I couldn't have structured it without her help. I highly recommend Donna Riccardo, Red Stiletto."

Natalie VanNote

"Donna enabled me to craft an amazing, thought-provoking signature talk that I can give to any number of different kinds of audiences.  She also taught me how to “tweak” my talk as needed to successfully approach different audiences. Having a signature talk helped ground me:  I know who my ideal client is, what and how to speak to them and how to attract clients!"

Lisa Sorensen

"Donna is an amazing coach, advocate and provides very specific and applicable advice and guidance. She helped me navigate through the nuances of public speaking and provided techniques and exercises that directly affected the quality of my public speaking. She is concise, specific and to the point while also providing a smile and a laugh when needed."

Erin Berry

"Working with Donna was game changing for my speaking. I came to her with a fear of public speaking. I desired to get really clear on who I should speak to and on how to write a solid talk that would give my listeners value while desiring more. Her approach is simple and I now feel confident I can write any length talk that will be impactful and I’ll show up powerfully."

What's inside

 Show Up, Speak Up and Get What You Want...

Connect with the right people

New to speaking or looking to figure out where to speak? Or are you a speaker who has been "winging it" and now committed to showing up like a pro? Inside this lesson get clear on who to reach out to and what they want from you.

Your Ideal Client / Offer

You know the saying the riches are in the niches? Clearly reveal your ideal client who wants what you sell, uncover your full value and discover what offer to make them that aligns with you and your clients' most desirable outcome.


Don’t know your best story to share when you show up in front of an audience? Don’t worry, in this program you will craft the right story so you have exactly the right thing to say every time. Learn how to create an engaging story that is simple and consistently connects with your ideal clients. 

Presentation Skills

Training on how to speak in front of a room or virtually. Everything from how to sit, stand and move, what to do with your hands and more. Includes live speaking practice time with coaching and feedback.

Signature Talk

Step-by-step guidance on how to craft the perfect signature talk. Everything from creating a connection with your audience, sharing what makes you credible and why they should listen to you, organizing content your audience wants to hear, and how to transition to the offer so your audience stays with you, doesn't feel pounced on and takes you up on your offer.



One payment of $797



Two payments of $478


When you enroll during this special limited time period, you will...

✓  Work together with a group on everything you need to do in order to find your ideal client and get out there and start speaking and making offers.

✓  Receive a complete workbook to help you focus on delivering your talk effectively.

✓  Understand and know how to use my speaking success method so you can find and speak to a full room of your ideal clients to attract leads and business.

✓  Get Templates and strategies to save you time.

✓  Participate on LIVE calls with ME on where I discuss a new topic each session in order for you to have the skills and strategies you need to become a confident speaker. 

✓  Practice live speaking in person and on zoom with ME, including personal coaching and feedback.

✓  Receive a List of over 100 groups and organizations that use speakers. 

✓  Have 6 Weeks so you can get the maximum impact from what you are learning and apply it right away.

PLUS get these BONUSES!


One-to-one VIP coaching session with Me


Preparation  video session with a Voice Coach


One-to-one session with a Mindset Coach

You're in exactly the right place!

When you add it all up, that’s a total real-world value of $3,300

But because I’m super excited to welcome you into Show Up, Speak Up and Get What You Want, I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY not at the regular price of $1,997, but at the special limited time offer of...


One payment of $797



Two payments of $478


Burning Questions your fellow entrepreneurs asked before joining...

Enroll in Show Up, Speak Up and Get What You Want today!

    Regular price $1,997

Limited time offer $797


One payment of $797



Two payments of $478


Still thinking about it?

You desperately want your business to grow.     

Whether you are currently “whistling in the wind” making it up as you go, speaking to audiences who are not interested in what you are offering or have been beating the pavement and running around to find business one-to-one - you’re craving an easier way to reach more people at one time with your message and make them an offer they can't refuse. 

Don’t spend the rest of your life wishing you had invested in something that picked you up off the ground and left you with no more excuses.

Gain the capabilities from someone who’s already been there and worked out the kinks so you don't have to spend copious amounts of your time and money doing it.

Surround yourself with the right people who are teaching you about what is working, and just as important - what is not working. 

Join me if you want to:

âś“   Create connection, clarity and confidence speaking as an expert on behalf of yourself and your business.

âś“ Finally be able to implement a simple lead generation strategy so you can spend more time doing what you want to do.

âś“   Launch those speaking gigs you have been thinking about and reach more people with your brilliance.

âś“  Step into your greatness and be seen, heard and known as the expert you are!

The next program starts on Tuesday, 

March 19 and is 6 weeks in duration. All sessions meet live on Tuesdays. They are on zoom for 90 minutes from 9:00-10:30am MT.


Session #1 - March 19

Session #2 - March 26

Session #3 - April 2

Session #4 - April 9

Session #5 - April 16

Session #6 - April 23

I personally cannot wait to guide you over the 6 weeks of this program!

 Public speaking has literally transformed my life…

I have experienced first-hand what it feels like to rely solely on the one-to-one model not knowing where my next client is going to come from to being at the reins of my business and impacting each one of my clients lives for the better. 

More than anything else I want to share with you today...

If you are a coach or service-based entrepreneur of any kind,  you deserve to take a quantum leap to see what your life would be like using the proven lead generation strategy of public speaking.

You deserve to experience first-hand the personal and financial freedom speaking can provide you with while you take definite steps to transform the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of clients.

I personally cannot wait to guide you over the next two months.

Public speaking has literally transformed my life

I have experienced first hand what it feels like to transition and rely solely on the one-to-one model not knowing where my next client is going to come from to being at the reins of profit and impacting each one of my clients lives for the better. 

More than anything else I want to share with you today...

If you are a coach or service-based entrepreneur of any kind, you deserve to take a quantum leap to see what your life would be like using the proven lead generation strategy of public speaking.

To experience first-hand the time and financial freedom speaking can provide you with - and to take definite steps to transform the lives of hundreds, if not the thousands, of clients who need you.


One payment of $797



Two payments of $478